Tuesday, April 7, 2009

So.. some things have changed? REALLY?

Meanwhile, a few weeks later..

So we've been steadily working on the trike, it now has a name and a frame and is made of a fancy new material, perhaps you've heard of it? Bamboo, they calls it. Many plans have come and gone, as indicated by the massive e-stack of models we'll be uploading shortly.

So come hither, and read about the past, present and future exploits of the Bamboozler! We've measured, notched and tacked the main frame together with hot glue and have purchased the supplies for fiberglass reinforcement. We've also discovered that our apartment has enough of a temperature difference from the workshop to make the bamboo crack after it's been tacked.

On the menu for the next couple days; we have a delicious special entree of harvested metal bike parts, (you didn't think it was going to ALL be bamboo, did you?) an excellent stew of fiberglass resin and catalyst served on tightly wrapped fiberglass cloth, and a beautifully structured bike seat enchilada.

One of the many thoughts at the forefronts of our thinkin' parts is the consideration of using a combination assisting electric motor/regenerative braking system. We realize this is a massive feature creep, but it just makes so much sense. Especially if we were to purchase a solar panel or two to supplement the regen, but therein lies another problem. The cost may be somewhat prohibitive. However, we are looking into many options, seemingly best among them being brutally ripping the hub out of a broken-down electric scooter and hitting it with a hammer lots and lots. The alternative would of course be to use a drum brake with the gloriously amazing rear drive wheel, which we've additionally gotten a ridiculous deal on. Mighty Riders, we love you!

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